XII International Conference on
Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum
September 23rd to 27th, 2019 / San Luis Potosí, México
Dr. César Márquez Beltrán (BUAP), cmarquez@ifuap.buap.mx
Dr. Amir Maldonado Arce (USON), maldona@guaymas.uson.mx
The XII International Conference on Surface Materials and Vacuum takes immense pleasure & feel honored in inviting the contributors across the globe to attend in the symposium on Biomaterials and Polymers during September 23-27, 2019 at San Luis Potosi, S.L.P., Mexico.
Conference will be organized on themes related with: 'Emerging Technologies and Scientific Advancements in polymers and Biomaterials Engineering.
The scientific event offers a best platform with its well organized scientific program to the audience which includes interactive panel discussions, plenary talks, short presentations, short courses, invited sessions and poster sessions on the topics that cover areas of: