XI International Conference on
Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum
September 24th to 28th, 2018 / Playa del Carmen / MEX
Advanced and Multifunctional Ceramics
Jesús Heiras Aguirre (CNYN-UNAM)
José Trinidad Elizalde Galindo (UACJ)
Atomic Layer Deposition
Pierre Giovanni Mani González (UACJ)
Edgar López Luna (UASLP)
Eduardo Martínez Guerra (CIMAV-MTY)
Biomaterials and Polymers
César Marquez Beltrán (BUAP)
Amir Maldonado Arce (USON)
Characterization and Metrology
Roberto Machorro (CNYN-UNAM)
Luminescence Phenomena: Materials and Applications
Salvador Carmona Téllez (CICATA LEGARIA-IPN)
Gilberto Alarcón Flores (CICATA lLEGARIA-IPN)
Microelectronics and MEMS
Norberto Hernandez Como (Centro de Nanotecnologia, IPN)
Horacio Estrada, (CIDESI)
Wilfrido Calleja Arriaga, (INAOE)
Yenny Casallas ( UPIITA-IPN )
Esteban Cruz Hernández (CIACYT -UASLP)
Photothermal Phenomena
Mario Enrique Rodríguez (CFATA-UNAM)
Plasma and Vacuum
José G. Quiñones-Galván, (CUCEI, UdeG)
Miguel Ángel Santana-Aranda, (CUCEI, UdeG)
Renewable Energy: Solar Cells and Materials
Issis Claudette Romero Ibarra (UPIITA-IPN)
Mario Fidel García Sánchez (UPIITA-IPN)
Máximo López (CINVESTAV-DF)
Salvador Gallardo (CINVESTAV-DF)
Surfaces and Interfaces
Leonardo Morales de la Garza (CNyN-UNAM)
Mario Farás Sánchez (CNYN-UNAM)
Theory and Simulation of Materials
Raul Esquivel (IF-UAM)
María Teresa Romero de la Cruz (FCFM-UAdeC)
Ariadna Sanchez (UAEH)
Thin Films
Alberto Duarte Moller, CIMAV-Chihuahua
Enrique Camps Carvajal (ININ)
Giovanni Ramirez (Bruker Nano Surfaces)
Science Outreach
Wilfrido Calleja (INAOE),
Dolores García Toral (BUAP)
Josefina Robles Aguilar (BUAP)
Dalia Alejandra Mazón Montijo (CIMAV-Monterrey)