Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnología
de Superficies y Materiales A.C.

Reunión Anual

International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum 2010
27 de Septiembre al 1o de Octubre 2010
IBEROSTAR PARAISO BEACH - Playa Paraíso / Riviera Maya
SMCTSM: Congreso 2010 > Programa > Plenarias
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  Congreso 2010  
* Congreso 2010
* Hotel Sede
* Simposios
* Programa
Programa General
Descarga el Programa General (PDF)
Cursos Cortos
* Libro de resumenes
* Comités
* Recepción de resumenes
* Costos
* Becas
* Premios
* Patrocinadores
Laura Lechuga CIN2, Spain Last advances in photonic nanobiosensor platforms
for point-of-care diagnostics
Gobert Advincula University of Houston,  USA Electrochemical Nanopatterning and Nanocharging of Polymer Ultrathin Films
A. Mandelis University of Toronto,  Canada Lock-in Carrierography (Photocarrier Radiometric Imaging) of defects and dislocations in industrial Si solar cells
Guillermo Aguilar University of California,  USA New trends on the use of thermo-mechanical procedures to assist laser medical applications
Michael Picquart UAM,  Mexico Biomateriales y Nanomedicina
Satoshi Shimomura Ehime University,  Japan Anisotropic modal gain of a GaAs self-assembled quantum-wire laser structure on a (775)B GaAs substrate
Angelo Malachias Lab. Nacional de Luz Sincrotrón,  Brasil The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory: current science and perspectives
Robert Opila University of Delaware, Newark, USA Role of Surface and Surface Analysis in Photovoltaics
Cecilia Salvatoire University of São Paulo,  Brazil Surface modification by ion implantation, microfabrication and plasma treatment
G. McGuire International Technology Center,  USA Detonation Nanodiamond- and Onion-like Carbon-based Nanocomposites
Jose Vega LANOTEC, Costa Rica Adhesion of thermoplastic Polymers
Juan Luis Peña CINVESTAV-IPN,  Mexico Towards an industrial process of CdTe solar cells in Mexico
Hugo Navarro CIACYT-UASLP,  Mexico Growth and characterization of β-InN films on MgO: The key role of a β-GaN buffer layer.
Manuel Quevedo University of Texas,  USA Nanotechnology opportunities for Flexible Electronics
Ramón Escobar CSIC,  Spain Tailoring optical properties of chromium-silicon mixed oxides by magnetron sputtering and oxygen ion beam implantation
Alan Madej National Research Council (NRC), Canadá Single Atom Clocks, Surpassing the SI Second, and Exploring the Limits of Time
Jorge P González Panalytical, Mexico Fundamentals and Applications of X-Ray diffraction 
Nora Isömaki/Israel Ayala Beneq, Finlandia Capas Delgadas y Superficies Funcionales, Depósito de Capas Atómicas (ALD)




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